Steve Jobs once said, “[Design is] not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Although he was referencing Apple products, the same theory can be applied to interior design. So, how do you decorate small spaces that not only look beautiful but also function well? Here are some top tips for doing just that in all the areas of your home:
The kitchen is the heart of the home! But, with all the time spent in and traffic to this area, it sure can get cluttered! Here are some easy tips for styling the space while maintaining functionality :
Bathrooms don’t need a lot of space to be functional, and smaller bathrooms actually leave a ton of room for creative interior decoration and organization! Here are a few ideas :
The living room might offer the most freedom when it comes to interior design. All you need is a place to sit, and then the sky’s the limit! Here are some ideas for pulling it all together:
The bedroom might be the most important room to keep looking organized and put-together. It’s the place where you begin and end each day, and it needs a relaxing tone to accommodate. Here’s how to make a small bedroom feel like a sanctuary:
Try some of these ideas to make any small space work for you. If you keep both style and functionality at top-of-mind when designing your room, you’ll create places you love to be in!
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